Source code for digideep.agent.noises

This module is dedicated to noise models used in other methods.

Each noise class should implement the ``__call__`` method. See the examples :class:`EGreedyNoise` and :class:`OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise`.
import numpy as np

[docs]class EGreedyNoise: """This class implements simple e-greedy noise. The noise is sampled from uniform distribution. Args: std (float): Standard deviation of the noise. e (float): The probability of choosing a noisy action. lim (float): Boundary of the noise (noise will be clipped beyond this value.) Note: This class is not dependant on its history. """ def __init__(self, **params): self.params = params self.state = {}
[docs] def reset(self): pass
def __call__(self, action): # Add some noise to the action std = self.params["std"] e = self.params["e"] lim = self.params["lim"] # A scalar noise = std * lim * np.random.randn(*action.shape) action += noise action = np.clip(action, a_min=-lim, a_max=lim) # By chance e, choose a completely random action. # By chance 1-e, let the current noised action survive. # We use this beautiful trick from openai to do the above: random_action = np.random.uniform(low=-lim, high=lim, size=action.shape) # When we have a batch of actions, this should be like this: # choice = np.random.binomial(1, e, size=(action.shape[0],1)) # Where action.shape[0] is the batch-size choice = np.random.binomial(1, e, size=(action.shape[0],1)) noise = choice * (random_action - action) action += noise return action
[docs] def state_dict(self): return None
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): pass
[docs]class OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise: """An implementation of the `Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise <>`_. The noise model is :math:`{\displaystyle dx_{t}=\theta (\mu -x_{t})\,dt+\sigma \,dW_{t}}`. Args: mu: Parameter :math:`\mu` which indicates the final value that :math:`x` will converge to. theta: Parameter :math:`\theta`. sigma: Parameter :math:`\sigma` which is the std of the additional normal noise. lim: The action limit, which can be a :obj:`np.array` for a vector of actions. Note: This class is state serializable. """ def __init__(self, **params): """ Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process noise generator params: mu, theta, sigma states: X """ self.params = params self.state = {} self.state['needs_reset'] = True
[docs] def reset(self, action): self.state['X'] = np.ones_like(action) * self.params['mu'] self.state['needs_reset'] = False
def __call__(self, action): if self.state['needs_reset']: self.reset(action) dx = self.params['theta'] * (self.params['mu'] - self.state['X']) dx = dx + self.params['sigma'] * np.random.randn(*self.state['X'].shape) self.state['X'] = self.state['X'] + dx noise = self.state['X'] * self.params["lim"] # print("noise", noise) action += noise return action
[docs] def state_dict(self): return self.state
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): self.state.update(state_dict)