Source code for digideep.environment.explorer

import numpy as np
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

from digideep.environment import MakeEnvironment
from .data_helpers import flatten_dict, update_dict_of_lists, complete_dict_of_list, convert_time_to_batch_major, extract_keywise

# from mujoco_py import MujocoException
# from dm_control.rl.control import PhysicsError

from digideep.utility.logging import logger
from digideep.utility.profiling import KeepTime
from digideep.utility.monitoring import monitor

[docs]class Explorer: """A class which runs environments in parallel and returns the result trajectories in a unified structure. It support multi-agents in an environment. Note: The entrypoint of this class is the :func:`update` function, in which the :func:`step` function will be called for ``n_steps`` times. In the :func:`step` function, the :func:`prestep` function is called first to get the actions from the agents. Then the ``env.step`` function is called to execute those actions in the environments. After the loop is done in the :func:`update`, we do another :func:`prestep` to save the ``observations``/``actions`` of the last step. This indicates the final action that the agent would take without actually executing that. This information will be useful in some algorithms. Args: session (:obj:`~digideep.pipeline.session.Session`): The running session object. agents (dict): A dictionary of the agents and their corresponding agent objects. mode (str): The mode of the Explorer, which is any of the three: ``train`` | ``test`` | ``eval`` env (:obj:`env`): The parameters of the environment. do_reset (bool): A flag indicating whether to reset the environment at the update start. final_action (bool): A flag indicating whether in the final call of :func:`prestep` the action should also be generated or not. num_workers (int): Number of workers to work in parallel. deterministic (bool): Whether to choose the optimial action or to mix some noise with the action (i.e. for exploration). n_steps (int): Number of steps to take in the :func:`update`. render (bool): A flag used to indicate whether environment should be rendered at each step. render_delay (float): The amount of seconds to wait after calling ``env.render``. Used when environment is too fast for visualization, typically in ``eval`` mode. seed (int): The environment seed. Attributes: steps (int): Number of times the :func:`step` function is called. n_episode (int): Number of episodes (a full round of simulation) generated so far. timesteps (int): Number of total timesteps of experience generated so far. was_reset (bool): A flag indicating whether the Explorer has been just reset or not. observations: A tracker of environment observations used to produce the actions for the next step. masks: A tracker of environment ``done`` flag indicating the start of a new episode. hidden_states: A tracker of hidden_states of the agents for producing the next step action in recurrent policies. Caution: Use ``do_reset`` with caution; only when you know what the consequences are. Generally there are few oportunities when this flag needs to be true. Tip: This class is partially serializable. It only saves the state of environment wrappers and not the environment per se. See Also: :ref:`ref-data-structure` """ def __init__(self, session, agents=None, **params): self.agents = agents self.params = params self.session = session # Create models extra_env_kwargs = self.params.get("extra_env_kwargs", {}) menv = MakeEnvironment(session, mode=self.params["mode"], seed=self.params["seed"], **self.params["env"]) self.envs = menv.create_envs(num_workers=self.params["num_workers"], extra_env_kwargs=extra_env_kwargs) # self.params["env"]["env_type"] self.state = {} self.state["steps"] = 0 self.state["n_episode"] = 0 self.state["timesteps"] = 0 self.state["was_reset"] = False self.local = {} self.local["steps"] = 0 self.local["n_episode"] = 0 self.monitor_n_episode() self.monitor_timesteps() # We only reset once. Later environments will be reset automatically. self.reset() # Will the results be reported when using ``do_reset``?`
[docs] def monitor_n_episode(self): if self.params["mode"] == "train": monitor.set_meta_key("episode", self.state["n_episode"])
[docs] def monitor_timesteps(self): if self.params["mode"] == "train": monitor.set_meta_key("frame", self.state["timesteps"])
[docs] def state_dict(self): # TODO" Should we make a deepcopy? return {"state":self.state, "envs":self.envs.state_dict()}
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): self.state.update(state_dict["state"]) self.envs.load_state_dict(state_dict["envs"]) self.monitor_n_episode() self.monitor_timesteps()
# if self.params["mode"] in ["test", "eval"]: # # We reset the explorer in case of test/eval to clear the history of observations/masks/hidden_state. # # Because this part does not make sense to be transferred. # self.reset()
[docs] def report_rewards(self, infos): """This function will extract episode information from infos and will send them to :class:`~digideep.utility.monitoring.Monitor` class. """ # This episode keyword only exists if we use a Monitor wrapper. # This keyword will only appear at the "reset" times. # TODO: If this is a true multi-agent system, then the rewards # must be separated as well! if '/episode/r' in infos.keys(): rewards = infos['/episode/r'] for rew in rewards: if (rew is not None) and (not np.isnan(rew)): self.local["n_episode"] += 1 self.state["n_episode"] += 1 self.monitor_n_episode() monitor("/reward/"+self.params["mode"]+"/episodic", rew, window=self.params["win_size"]) self.session.writer.add_scalar('reward/'+self.params["mode"], rew, self.state["n_episode"])
[docs] def close(self): """It closes all environments. """ self.envs.close()
[docs] def reset(self): """Will reset the Explorer and all of its states. Will set ``was_reset`` to ``True`` to prevent immediate resets. """ self.state["observations"] = self.envs.reset() self.state["masks"] = np.array([[0]]*self.params["num_workers"], dtype=np.float32) # The initial hidden_state is not saved in the memory. The only use for it is # getting passed to the action_generator. # So if there is a size mismatch between this and the next hidden_states, no # conflicts/errors would happen. self.state["hidden_state"] = {} for agent_name in self.agents: self.state["hidden_state"][agent_name] = self.agents[agent_name].reset_hidden_state(self.params["num_workers"]) self.state["was_reset"] = True
[docs] def prestep(self, final_step=False): """ Function to produce actions for all of the agents. This function does not execute the actions in the environment. Args: final_step (bool): A flag indicating whether this is the last call of this function. Returns: dict: The pre-transition dictionary containing observations, masks, and agents informations. The format is like: ``{"observations":..., "masks":..., "agents":...}`` """ with KeepTime("to_numpy"): # TODO: Is it necessary for conversion of obs? # NOTE: The np conversion will not work if observation is a dictionary. # observations = np.array(self.state["observations"], dtype=np.float32) observations = self.state["observations"] masks = self.state["masks"] hidden_state = self.state["hidden_state"] with KeepTime("gen_action"): publish_agents = True agents = {} # TODO: We are assuming a one-level action space. if (not final_step) or (self.params["final_action"]): if self.state["steps"] < self.params["warm_start"]: # Take RANDOM actions if warm-starting for agent_name in self.agents: agents[agent_name] = self.agents[agent_name].random_action_generator(self.envs, self.params["num_workers"]) else: # Take REAL actions if not warm-starting for agent_name in self.agents: action_generator = self.agents[agent_name].action_generator agents[agent_name] = action_generator(observations, hidden_state[agent_name], masks, deterministic=self.params["deterministic"]) else: publish_agents = False # We are saving the "new" hidden_state now. # for agent_name in self.agents: # if (not final_step) or (self.params["final_action"]): # action_generator = self.agents[agent_name].action_generator # agents[agent_name] = action_generator(observations, hidden_state[agent_name], masks, deterministic=self.params["deterministic"]) # else: # publish_agents = False with KeepTime("form_dictionary"): if publish_agents: pre_transition = dict(observations=observations, masks=masks, agents=agents) else: pre_transition = dict(observations=observations, masks=masks) return pre_transition
[docs] def step(self): """Function that runs the ``prestep`` and the actual ``env.step`` functions. It will also manipulate the transition data to be in appropriate format. Returns: dict: The full transition information, including the pre-transition (actions, last observations, etc) and the results of executing actions on the environments, i.e. rewards and infos. The format is like: ``{"observations":..., "masks":..., "rewards":..., "infos":..., "agents":...}`` See Also: :ref:`ref-data-structure` """ # We are saving old versions of observations, hidden_state, and masks. with KeepTime("prestep"): pre_transition = self.prestep() # TODO: For true multi-agent systems, rewards must be a dictionary as well, # i.e. one reward for each agent. However, if the agents are pursuing # a single goal, the reward can still be a single scalar! # Updating observations and masks: These two are one step old in the trajectory. # hidden_state is the newest. with KeepTime("envstep"): # Prepare actions actions = extract_keywise(pre_transition["agents"], "actions") # Step self.state["observations"], rewards, dones, infos = self.envs.step(actions) # Post-step self.state["hidden_state"] = extract_keywise(pre_transition["agents"], "hidden_state") self.state["masks"] = np.array([0.0 if done_ else 1.0 for done_ in dones], dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1,1)) # NOTE: Uncomment if you find useful information in the continuous rewards ... # monitor("/reward/"+self.params["mode"]+"/continuous", np.mean(rewards)) with KeepTime("render"): if self.params["render"]: self.envs.render() if self.params["render_delay"] > 0: time.sleep(self.params["render_delay"]) # except MujocoException as e: # logger.error("We got a MuJoCo exception!") # raise # ## Retry?? # # return with KeepTime("poststep"): # TODO: Sometimes the type of observations is "dict" which shouldn't be. Investigate the reason. if isinstance(self.state["observations"], OrderedDict) or isinstance(self.state["observations"], dict): for key in self.state["observations"]: if np.isnan(self.state["observations"][key]).any(): logger.warn('NaN caught in observations during rollout generation.', 'step =', self.state["steps"]) raise ValueError else: if np.isnan(self.state["observations"]).any(): logger.warn('NaN caught in observations during rollout generation.', 'step =', self.state["steps"]) raise ValueError ## Retry?? # return self.state["steps"] += 1 self.state["timesteps"] += self.params["num_workers"] self.monitor_timesteps() # TODO: Adapt with the new dict_of_lists data structure. with KeepTime("report_reward"): self.report_rewards(infos) transition = dict(**pre_transition, rewards=rewards, infos=infos) return transition
[docs] def update(self): """Runs :func:`step` for ``n_steps`` times. Returns: dict: A dictionary of unix-stype file system keys including all information generated by the simulation. See Also: :ref:`ref-data-structure` """ # trajectory is a dictionary of lists trajectory = {} if not self.state["was_reset"] and self.params["do_reset"]: self.reset() self.state["was_reset"] = False # Run T (n-step) steps. self.local["steps"] = 0 self.local["n_episode"] = 0 while (self.params["n_steps"] and self.local["steps"] < self.params["n_steps"]) or \ (self.params["n_episodes"] and self.local["n_episode"] < self.params["n_episodes"]): with KeepTime("step"): # print("one exploration step ...") transition = self.step() with KeepTime("append"): # Data is flattened in the explorer per se. transition = flatten_dict(transition) # Update the trajectory with the current list of data. # Put nones if the key is absent. update_dict_of_lists(trajectory, transition, index=self.local["steps"]) self.local["steps"] += 1 with KeepTime("poststep"): # Take one prestep so we have the next observation/hidden_state/masks/action/value/ ... transition = self.prestep(final_step=True) transition = flatten_dict(transition) update_dict_of_lists(trajectory, transition, index=self.local["steps"]) # Complete the trajectory if one key was in a transition, but did not occur in later # transitions. "length=n_steps+1" is because of counting final out-of-loop prestep. # complete_dict_of_list(trajectory, length=self.params["n_steps"]+1) complete_dict_of_list(trajectory, length=self.local["steps"]+1) result = convert_time_to_batch_major(trajectory) # We discard the rest of monitored episodes for the test mode to prevent them from affecting next test. monitor.discard_key("/reward/test/episodic") return result
### Data Structure: # Pre-step: # observations # masks: # # Agent (policies): # actions # hidden_state # artifacts: # action_log_p # value # # Step: # rewards # infos ###################### ##### Statistics ##### ###################### # Stats: Wall-time